Acrylic Acid Market & Value Chain

Acrylic Acid Market & Value Chain 

Acrylic acid is one of the most versatile monomer primarily used as building blocks for many polymer formulations. Acrylic acid has two major markets – acrylic esters and glacial acrylic acid. Glacial acrylic acid is primarily used in manufacturing of Super Absorbent Polymer(SAP) which is primarily used in baby diapers and personal care. SAP is also used for water treatment and textiles. Acrylic Esters finds use in applications like surface coatings, paper treatment, detergents, plastic additives,textiles, sealants, adhesives and others. Acrylic Acid market is forecast to grow around 4% in the long-term forecast. The demand was slightly depressed in 2008-2009 on account of financial crisis and in 2014-2015 due to the volatility in crude oil prices. Historically, demand growth has been dominated by Asia-Pacific in volume terms, which has seen an average growth in demand of 7-8% per annum in the period 2000 to 2015, growth in developed markets of North America and Western Europe was much slower as compared to other regions. Demand from developing countries such as China and India is expected to lead the higher growth from Asian markets.

Acrylic Acid Demand forecast

Acrylic Acid Demand forecast

Growth in developed nations is modest as market for SAP is fully penetrated and acrylic esters market is growing in line with the GDP. SAP growth in these regions is primarily driven by consumers switching to baby diapers. SAP growth will be the strongest in Asia-Pacific as the population in the developing countries continues to increase its use in disposable diapers and adult incontinence while it will be moderate in mature regions of North America, Western Europe and Japan.

Acrylic Acid Market Value Chain 

Below figure describes the value chain with the feed stocks, production routes, derivates, and applications of acrylic acid.Propylene, derived from crude oil, is used as a feed stock for the production of crude acrylic acid. Through oxidation, propylene is converted to crude acrylic acid which is then further processed to produce different derivatives.Different alcohols such as methanol, ethanol, butanol, and 2-EH are added to crude acrylic acid to form methyl acrylate, ethyl acrylate, butyl acrylate, and 2-ethylhexyl acrylate derivatives respectively. These derivatives are then used in various applications such as coatings, adhesives, sealants, paints,textiles, inks, plastics, and others. Glacial acrylic acid is formed by the crystallization or distillation of crude acrylic acid. Glacial acrylic acid is utilized in super adsorbent polymers (SAP), water treatment chemicals, and detergents.

Acrylic Acid Market Value Chain

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