U.S. Methanol Market

U.S.Methanol Market

U.S. is one of the major importers of methanol with net imports of 1037 kilo tons in 2017. It majorly imports from Trinidad& Tobago, Venezuela, Equatorial Guinea, Canada and Bahrain. During global economic crisis in the year 2009, the U.S. imports as well as production dropped significantly. The imports witnessed a decline of 62% from 5139 kilotons in 2008 to 1930 kilotons in 2009; however, it increased in 2010 by 210% to reach 5975 kilo tons overcoming the recessionary period. Since 2011, imports have steadily decreased particularly from Trinidad & Tobago and Venezuela while exports have increased owing to increase in production and new capacities additions. In 2015, Celanese added 1300 kilo tons of capacity while a new plant of 1800 kilo tons by OCI, CEL and Nat gasoline will start its production in Q1 2019. This will further decrease the country’s dependence on imports.

Top Methanol Exporters (to U.S.)

Top Methanol Exporters (to U.S.)

For more details on cash cost economics, energy and location impact, CAPEX / OPEX and USA advantage, please write to info@prismaneconsulting.com

U.S Methanol Trade Analysis

U.S. Methanol Trade (2005-2017)

U.S. Methanol Trade (2005-2017)

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