Starch is acarbohydrate consisting of glucose units and is one of the most abundantnatural polymers. It has many unique properties that make it valuable inindustrial processes. Properties of starch vary depending on its source; those extractedfrom cereals are different than those extracted from vegetables. Some majordifferences include amylose-amylopectin ratio, granule size distribution, meangranule size, mineral content, and presence of naturally occurringnon-carbohydrate impurities.
With its uniqueproperties and versatile nature, industrial starch plays a key role in a widerange of applications. It is obtained from various sources, including corn,cassava, potato, wheat, and rice, all which collectively represent more than95% of the global production. Amongst different sources, starch from corn isthe most popular.
Industrial starch extractionstarts by crushing or grinding starch-containing tubers or seeds, followed bymixing the pulp with water. The resulting paste is then freed of its remainingimpurities and then dried to obtain the final product. There are two types ofIndustrial starch: Native and Modified/Hydrolysed. Native starch is generallyused in the thickening and food texturing, while modified starch is widely usedin the production of dextrin, adhesives, drilling fluids, biodegradableplastics, binders, etc. They are act as emulsion stabilizers, textile sizingagents and excipients in tablets for pharmaceutical applications.
The usage of starch is broadlycategorised into consumer goods, feed, paper & packaging, chemicals & pharmaceuticals,textiles, and other industries. The industrial use of starch requires physical,chemical, and enzymatic modification, or their combinations, to improve itstechnological properties, such as hydration, rheological, and thermalproperties, among others. The partial enzymatic hydrolysis of starch is asurface modification method, which allows obtaining porous starch.
Industrial starch playsa key role in the textile industry, used in the sizing and finishing offabrics, improving its strength, printability, and abrasion resistance. Otheradvantages of its usage in the textile manufacturing include enhancedproductivity and reduced waste, enabling the industry to be more sustainableand environmentally friendly. With rising demand for eco-friendly adhesives,starch is increasingly preferred over its petrochemical-based alternatives inthe paper and packaging industry, reducing the environmental footprint.
In the pharmaceuticalindustry, industrial starch is employed in drug formulations as an excipient,aiding in the controlled drugs release, enhancing stability, and improvingpatient compliance. Biodegradability and biocompatibility of starch also makeit an ideal choice in several drug delivery systems. Given the growing demandfor personalized medicines, industrial starch is likely to play an even greaterrole in advancing drug delivery technologies and therapeutic outcomes.
Cargill Incorporated,Archer Daniels Midland Company, Ingredion Incorporated, Roquette Frères S.A.,Tate & Lyle PLC are some of the major producers of industrial starchglobally. Asia, on the back of major consumers like China, Japan, South Korea,and Taiwan dominates the global demand.